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Study a few of research language

Written by dogosh on 8/10/2008

Only a sharing about several words /the expression that often was my experienced in Marketing and the Research, it is hoped was useful to the reader of this blog and if any wanted to add please..
The population and Sample
in research, was known by two terms, that is the Qualitative research (Focus Group Discussion and In Depth Interview that consisted of One on One, One on Ones, Dyath, etc.) and the Quantitative research. the Population's words and Sample more often were used in the research that was Quantitative , good the scientific research or social.
as theory, the Population was often interpreted as a collection objects, the object, the incident, the individual or the group that had the same characteristics (Naresh K Malhotra, Marketing Research International Edition, Prentice Hall 2004). The example was in a research aimed to see the behaviour of the "SMOKER" that was population of smoker all over the universe. But if the aim of the research was to know the behaviour of the "smoker in Bandung", then the population was someone that smoked in Bandung. Not the Bandung person that smoked in Jakarta. Except if his aim was changed into the behaviour "smoked the Bandung person". This that often was acknowledged as "Frame".
The behaviour or the characteristics of the Population could was homogeneous or heterogeneous. The population that was homogeneous did not need the same sample of the size with the population that was heterogeneous. The population that had the homogeneous characteristics, needed the sample that fewer to give the quantitative picture and spread everywhere for the population. And Often was said that this sample has satisfied to be extrapolated against the Population.
While the some of Sample or the insignificant part of the object, the object, the incident, the individual or the group that was researched. So that sample was made target the research had the same characteristic with the population, then was needed by the SAMPLE PULLING technique that was true. In broad outline had two techniques sample, First that is the Probability (Simple Random, Systimatic, Cluster, Stratified, and other) and the two Non- Probabilitas (Snowball, Convenience, Judgement, etc.). The Non Probabilitas Technic weakness was to be able to not be used to estimation the population and only gave the qualitative indication. For more deeply please read the Research book !
SES Vs Income
SES was the abbreviation from Social Economic Status. SES was often used to distinguish the strata/level was based on the social position of someone in the community. Usually the status is distinguished from the code or the A label till E. Kode A or A+ often was given for the upper group (the rich person) whereas E was to be the reverse.
Several research companies gave the value for each code. For example the A code was them that in general average disbursement per month was bigger than 3.5 million, this figure not including for the house instalment, the car instalment and the other instalment. Whereas the E code was them that disbursement less than 750 thousand per month. So, We including whichever group ? Why the issuing figure and not the production figure? Not the production more real and definitely ?
Necessarily, indeed the production figure. But based on the experience, got this figure really was difficult. Most communities ( was surveyed) tended to cover information concerning the production. But, more prepared gave information of the total of issuings for electricity, water, ate, education, the telephone et cetera. Was based on this, then most researchers tried to group respondent was based on SES. Is it accurate? Yes... not also, but moderate! The figure was definitely more accurate if that was asked about their production/revenue.
as Completely : (A+ bigger than 5 millions), (A between 3.5 millons - 5 millions), (B between 2 millions - 3.5 millions), (C between 1.250.000 - 2 millions), (D between 750.000 – 1250.000 ), (E less than 750.000)
Country of Origin (COO)
COO was the origin country of a product. Usually if speaking of "MEDICINE" we will agree if COO highest was the China country and Indonesia compared to Japan and France. Likewise for Technology, the person will agree with Germany.
Cosmetics = France, the Car = Europe and Japan et cetera. Is based on knowledge about COO, usually the producer will claim the country from the product. With the note: had the COO value highest. So, not all the foreign claims exact. For example to speak about the matter of the Car from China, or cosmetics from Germany and Technology from Indonesia. Far more just right if cosmetics from Indonesia, medicine from China and Technology from Germany.

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