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How to Identify the Capacity of client candidate ?

Written by dogosh on 7/23/2008

In this opportunity let's please discussed more in the matter the price decision of a service product to the prospective client, positive if we asked about the 'level' of their 'capacity to consume' our product service?
I got the information that was quite valuable about studied the small businesses. tried to be studied by us carefully (certainly with all the limitations and my capacity) concerning the market price that the product was similar with the service product that would in sold.
As far as this is concerned the standard of the quite varying price in accordance with the condition for the prospective client who was dealt with. And usually was based to;
  1. analyses of the financial capacity the prospective client,
  2. level assumptions of the pattern thought dan
  3. brand the image that has been owned by the prospective client,
  4. operational fees that must go out with the variant of facilities that will be given.
absolutely the difference of the price from respectively of this package will be followed by the service and facilities that were given. It was increasingly expensive that the package that was chosen, even more facilities that were received by the prospective client. And the price then, once more, I already to compared with the market price that I was known . There were two case models that had happened, and both of them were the opposite;
The first case, by studying the background of the prospective client/the partner, one time I offered price list with several package kinds of the service product that was owned. Because the category of the prospective partner was the middle class to high. then, I made the package of the price that I the appropriate and just right feeling. However, when I presentation, the prospective partner without thinking complicated immediately said 'deal' and said "your price was cheap enough." ?
The second case, with the same methode, I had made bargaining that according to our calculation was very just right in accordance with their level. However evidently, the side of the client's candidate seldom felt 'low self' and finally ask for restrained time to 'calculated' previously. After several appropriate days promised, I tried contacted, and the answer was this prospective client postponed to use my service product. Because of the price 'capacity' that was owned a little lower from the package of the price that was offered . This was I known , after with somewhat careful asked about the potential for the cost capacity that was owned.
Must be known here, that for the two case kinds above, in the bargaining, I always sent information regarding the outside package of the price that I offered still had the other package that specification above and was supervised from this package. Therefore, how the strategy that better be used to can closing the prospective partner with the exact price and the maximal profit ? And any to gave the suggestion as follows, hope beneficial; in fact no problem to asked of the candidate's 'capacity' client. Just only must use our interpersonal skill when speaking with the candidate client to ask abou the problem of 'this sensitive relatively.
Why was as relative of sensitive? Because every time client would had had the sensitive level certain in appreciating the question that touched the matter of they 'capacity in financial'. There were those who did not care and just very logical.. alias just very straight / was not touched on if being asked by this problem.. there also are those that felt the prestige to show the capacity. Could be someone that earlier usually just logical got this question, but in one during could be 'high temper' because stress (both that the matter of work, and the private matter that were brought arrived at the workplace). That’s why our interpersonal skill to playing and use our feeling when we meeting with client to be able for successful (especially that was related to the matter of money).
Another thing had been discussed in topic 'determined of RETAIL PRICE' both in the product and the service was to measure the 'wishes' candidate client.. Customer willingness to pay... Please you imagined if and how in measuring 'Customer Willingness to Pay' in your service business . the example that I had been used to make Business Plan for efforts resto with international community as the candidate customers. By depicting the atmosphere and the food kind what will be met in resto this, afterwards I survey with respondens that was very different the background. Basically, although their capacity was very different (alias their income from that low to high income) helped showed to me that resto of kind was with reasonable price that 'so many' and service available 'so many'. This facilitated us to make the mapping of the location and segmentation when and where these efforts were undertaken.
Basically, with the different of capacity or income , and also level of balanced of education respondens (the level of the pattern thought), they could give input what the reasonable price for the product/service that wanted to be given by us in resto this eventually. Your experience in two events this could be still very possibly often being met when we carried out Sales bargaining. The 4 references that were named and you too might be used as the benchmark (now), but should be not taken as the 'standard' matter.
A person of Marketing, especially Sales was the tip of the spear, because usually they often met Client. However I was personal in fact more wanted who that in the office or in a business could become marketing/Sales. In a sense, although job desc. not there, but support to client in their position as non marketing/sales very supportive at the time of where the customer was connected with one of the staffs nonmarketing/sales.
The capacity someone in interpersonal skill really will help the succesfull an effort, good as a person of Marketing or Sales or non Marketing/sales. That was needed the Sensitivity. The sensitivity to understand Customer, from beginning "NEED", and contion /situation of that was supportive the customer in taking the decision 'BUY'. these basically, how made/built Customer Loyalti (How to retain your Customer).
In my experience, several times I had maintained customers as loyal customer (occasionally the price of bargaining from the other competitors higher than me), but they knew and continue to used my service . Moreover they showed to me the prices of the very competitive competitor. For several of my certain matters, I also tried flexible to not cause difficulty customers, at the time (for example their budget at that time indeed was 'low'), at least in my heart and mind, we helped customers to fluently in their business (was still should not take the profit exclusively,.... hehehe). And I also often approach with the candidate customer, tried 'heart to heart'... as how big the fund their budget to this service, so as I also did not cause problems for them.its important 'care' to candidate customer so as they also could feel that.
In marketing plan, offering Customization ( product or service) really will help Client in determining the attitude 'BUY' in accordance with their capacity, without the seller touched on the matter of their 'CAPACITY' to pay. Customization in a sense you could 'flexible' produced or gave your service in accordance with the requirement or their respective clients will .
I did not know whether your business at this time, but if you mention the service could be package... yes, be flexible with the capacity of client, asked the client fair, and positioned yourself in the eyes of client if quite really intended to help so as did not place the client. Hoped in other time, the client will be reminded would how kindness you are in the problem at the time, and in certain moments, you were the first person in thoughts the client at the time of needed this service.

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