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Marketing of domestic thing vs The Import thing

Written by dogosh on 1/09/2008

If being paid attention to by us shops in Jakarta and then not surprised if local things were difficult very much opposed outside things. Each thing that was sold, the seller only was required say that this from America/Malaysia/Singapore/HK/Taiwan, and the thing must be guaranteed will be more quick-selling than sold Indonesian things. Your opinion personally how is it going? Whether that must be done by marketer local things to make the Indonesian product advance and be known in the country, if necessary overseas.
That must be done by marketer the thing made in Indonesia "change" consumer perception about the product made in Indonesia. Because we have known if most of indonesian characteristics still "brand outside" minded. the hard work must be carried out from the aspect of the product before, the improvement would the quality of the product to be able to compete. After the product OK, then must be thought about the brand name as well as the positioning as well as 4 Ps that was other.
Indeed was needed by time that was long to promote the Indonesian product image. In several results survey country of origin, the Indonesian name always was in the "distended" number. Malaysia and Korea that had high Nationalism, possibly could be made the example for the local product.
Moreover there is one that is believing that case by case then. Depended his product what previously, headed to who. If his product around lifesytle and headed to SES AB, at this time the community was still liking to see imports and branded. So what to do? The example the package and the value from these imports, if must use brand that had a foreign smell. Because that was sold was that was lifestyle, the example; toiletries, food, jewelleries, clothes. Provided that his appetite in accordance with his segmentation, it seems marketing the local product could be successful against the product impor. for example: JCO, Invio (clothes), Possibly that was other could give the example again, Sad indeed if we could not show the Indonesian image in our product. : ( but the market are the rules..)
In the middle of the brightness of the competition between brand local and outside then must have an analysis concerning this matter. Like that has been named that Malaysia had high nationalism against his product then we necessary to do an observation towards this matter.. So, in a relationship information concerning this matter?
after that, its time for the us to take action. The group intelectual that must help this matter if we the market practitioners could be observation then "this Is the time for us to take action", Through blog this, let's began to be communicating and action to help the Lokal Thing war vs. The thing import. So don't have the previous case was discussed, When the action ? when we wanting to advance ? We must be more was SENSITIVE to MICRO MARKETING AVAILABLE.
This could be put for Behind The Screen marketers that simply was the Manager market that personally to accommodate the suggestion as well as carried out the available idea so as marketer more "vocal" and active... We Need the Action Not Talking Only.
Sad indeed we could not show the Indonesian image in our product. In fact sad this could be overcome by us if we began to overcome him as early as possible... In several results survey country of origin, the Indonesian name always was in the "distended" number. paid close attention to this in fact already the time for us began to be constructive the Marketing world in Indonesia.
How : First, was observed by us the industry that was most influential against the trade-marked thing afterwards we observation and investigated from the side marketing, what could be done by us to overcome this matter? Afterwards, was looked for by us the method where we could communicate this matter to the traders and were seen by us apakah was successful in accordance with that was planned by us?
Concerning brand local vs brand foreign, according to me as personal all came back to the government, had the action significant that obviously to support the available brands local, like promoted brands local in the international market, gave help of knowledge especially the small and middle industry, we took the example brownies the make of main point stars (did not have the element of the promotion), all of us knew, that brownies quite famous main point stars and was glad, but only in the local scope, that too perhaps only Java islands, if we wanted took action, possibly we could appeal to the government to want more care against brands local and should not want "was dictated" by brands foreign.
From ourselves, if we could produce a product that could be spoken of highly, don't use the name that contained the element was too west, or also that was too traditional that important reflected the Indonesian name, and was easy to be remembered... how ? Agree or not? I wanted to ask the matter super brand, there are those that knew how the process of the determination some brand was appointed to super brands? I’m confuse, was considered to be sad, yes ! , but indeed most of the characteristics of the Indonesian community personally so possibly was not all that the nationalist. If did not believe, just try, if for example, had 2 products with the same price, that one artificial foreign that was other was artificial Indonesia, well... the big possibility that the artificial behaviour foreign. Moreover until had the clothed person very foreign although the good-looking cool and funky.
About Brand Lokal VS Brand International, according me depended on ourselves was their respective as the businessman and marketer to increase some of Brand as well as the existence of the support from the government. The Brandof Int’l management and Brand Lokal equally busy him from the side of the legality. If I as the businessman certainly saw the factor risk and return. When I made brand personally definitely the investment cost that was spent for the advertisement, promotion, the training, the system, etc. its very big and risky high, but if I took the foreign make to be increased by me in Indonesia and be adapted by me to the image local definitely more easy to be accepted by the consumer, with the risk of the lower business, as well as the existence of the work system that was clear from principal.
For example Johny Andrean bought franchise Bread Talk from Singapore and so be busy initially afterwards being followed by the emergence of bread boutiques. However I saw his intelligence by being opened J.Co that is the local make by adapting the Krispy Kreme doughnut from America that was famous.
As their advertisement of J. Co in Kompas newspaper promoted itself to oppose his competitor (that is Krispy Kreme) with the theme that his doughnut was not too sweet so as safer for the diabetes sufferer. So with the principle of the OCM ( Observed, Copied and the Modification) will help the local businessman with brand local to compete in this increasingly bloody competition era.
to respond concerning the process of the determination some of Brand to Super Brand, could be seen by his methodology in the SWA Magazine (usually rose in the middle of the year in July or in June). As the short explanation of his determination method of using the Brand Equity concept from David Aaker, of Mr World Brand from his book the 'Managing Brand Equity' title. Not only that, for the last two years still was increased by other factors like the command brand towards the market share, and the estimate of the growth some brand.
Important to in recorded together that to make brand local could secular needed the long trip and the handling that extra, in said extra because from brand this had competitiveness and the competitive tasteless value. To become competitive must have the superiority from that brands , that just from intenal branded. not to mention from external branded like the image 3P (the process, people, phisycal excident) plus the motive factor from the government (political government) that always support to the domestic industry.

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  1. 1 Comment: Responses to “ Marketing of domestic thing vs The Import thing ”

  2. By Anonymous on October 20, 2008 at 10:20 AM

    duh ga ngerti uy ....
    salam kenal ya

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