Case Study : Rinso vs So Klin
Written by dogosh on 2/18/2009All must know that previously had done something wrong one biggest war in the depths consumer goods in Indonesia, between Rinso from Unilever Vs So Klin from Wings group. If being that notice, So Klin just dismissed the new advertisement: So Klin cleaned 101 stains, this was caused overseas there, Rinso has gone out "cleaned 99 stains"... so it s just a matter of time to also in launched in Indonesia...but the Wings Group has stolen start to launching So Klin 101 cleaned the stain.
Question: if you are the marketer of So Klin... what would u do given the case above: stolen the start, overtook Rinso or was waiting until Rinso launched “ cleaned 99 stains”, to afterwards at the time of simultaneously bashed with So Klin cleaned 101 stains... or others ?
If I am the marketer So Klin, it must I have been will overtake Rinso, because with to pioneer the effect would more was felt especially for the Indonesian market than only to follower although we state that So Klin cleaned 101 stains whereas Rinso only 99 stains.
Another thing that was questioned about Tide, new detergent from P&G, there are those that knew the development of this product in the market, because as we know this Tide was detergent no 1 in America, but in Indonesian P&G did not undertake the incessant marketing, in fact did not have his advertisement completely. Immediately after Tide circulated in the market, KAO at once issued Attack Color just, but also Unilever issued Rinso Excell, will Tide remain?
Why attacked it only in the image? Must also was innovation the product. For example uptil now detergent, softly and the fragrance was separated, why was not combined then? If could not all of them, yes the cleaner and the softly. So we did not need to buy So Klin as the softly. Secondly, after that just entered the new product 3 in 1, as the cleaner, softly, and fragrance. Perhaps this was suitable for Rinso. Because So Klin will also produce So Klin Detergen and So klin softly in fact only So Klin fragrance then.
Considering penetrationi powdered detergent has been high. Almost 85% domestic used detergen. was still must be looked for by the new use. The other alternative was to create the good detergent also to wash the car. Unlike now the person is still very anxious if washed the car with detergent. This will have an opportunity to seize the Kit market and so on. Which was the big market. To Guaranteed price was definitely cheaper than Kit.
as the rumours because of early of the So Klin emergence 101 because in the other country Rinso already launched Rinso 99 and the difficult success with the theme, so before Preceded launching in Indonesia, So Klin Overtook first by making 101 that meaning could clean 101 stains of all the certain stains could be lost.. if being not wrong of look, the education has begun with view list of the stain in the So Klin package 101 that joined with the TV advertisement and billboard.
Only whether Rinso will respond with for the bigger number, it seems its impossible, usually Unilever most the allergy for the theme that resembled the other person, moreover so follower... Even apparently the detergent war will move to the front that more Premium in the category of concentrate Detergent, here has remained silent Kao Attack that more previously entered this category. And So Klin too late... it seems in the front of this category the war will be longer than the number 101 war.
Tide in Indonesia just only taste the water, soft launching, but soon or later apparently they will enter the biggest because the market was indeed big.. but P&G apparently would not the concentration there because of their business that more make money was the Pantene .
Concerning the Indonesians's habit that separated the washing for the machine and the hands, indeed that because of the character of the washing machine that only could for wash the heavy things like bed cover, Jeans, etc.... if the silk model, underwear etc., that with the hands washing, moreover the Coat must with dry clean...
The matter why has used detergent, continued to be given the fragrance and softly.. he he he.. (a little promotion) the softly that to material is still being good to be used and to be easy in iron whereas fragrance.. this is affair the marketer increased the expenses cost then....
Must the innovationof product. For example uptil now detergent, softly and fragrance was separated, why was not combined then? Possibly for us sound of funny, how come was detergent, there is softly, there is fragrance... but beforehand had the research... evidently need would softly/fragrance that was available, and so many...
the name our person was unsatisfied if only washed, apparently more comfort, if after washed, was soaked with fragrance/softly previously before being put in the sun to dry. There is also after being washed with the washing machine, still in washed again with the hands, there is also that said, if detergent so many foams, the sign could wash cleaner, thats why previously had had detergent to claim washed without many foams, the end of this product in Indonesia not the used and loss...
But, the needs that was because of having the problem. Then where is the problem? In detergent or their clothes? Let us hope not in fact did not have detergent to satisfied. more unclean, not softer in fact possibly like the chrispy / chip if being put in the sun to dry hot, not more fragrant because of the fragrant aroma detergent yawned. So the image of detergent that was built through the advertisement uptil now possibly over promise. But because of not having the choice of the other product that was better using detergent. So, if there is more good why did not move to the others product or brand?
As in the case of person washed with the washing machine. Why has been rolled how come still rolled by hand anymore? Because its a habit instinct hand rolled or because indeed results of washing in machine washing were more unsatisfactory. myself possibly including that was conventional. After being washed with the washing machine that of the same class Electrolux although continue to I was still checked to eliminate the stain and stain although already with Rinso Excell.
I agreed, even my friend to commented concerning this case... according to him, if Rinso went out with the version 99... not old afterwards was followed by So Klin with the version 101, for example the echo of his communication will have 2. but the profit will be in side with had perceptional benefit higher, in this case according him SoKlin 101... what do you think?
That became my question precisely why must use the figure 101 were free from the intention to block the Rinso campaign. Has The community known if the spot Kind of the amount 102 ( for example)? That meant to eliminate 99% stains Kind. And didn’t better like that has been said eliminated all of the stains crumps.
its only as though as.... In Fact, is it dangerous to used one brand for 2 different categories, the example of extreme, if mine the marketer of Uniliver, what is the danger if we launching detergent with the Lux brand, what the consumer will be confused or even did not have the effect?
Or arrived entered Toiletries with launching the floor cleaner with mint taste of Mentos brand... Because I saw the case of the ABC, their apparently so good with used the ABC from the brand of the battery stone till the Soy Sauce, if being not wrong to have been forecasted if this ABC brand would not survive because the product extention its too distance.
If I was the consumer, its up to you, the important product was good and branding each quite strong product although more consumer's self-confidence, still more passes again if brand more was generic, the ABC its generic isn’t it, difference if viagra made peppermints or detergent.
Yamaha could enter the musical instrument and the motor, why not? This is the problem of perception. Mean the perception about the brand that has adhered in mind the community. Frankly, myself just knew now (after read mail) if the ABC stone of the brand of battery with ABC soy sauce its one group with the same company. the matter my perception uptil now the ABC battery and ABC soy sauce did not have relations to one another. Moreover I thought the ABC battery and ABC soy sauce were two different companies that by chance with the same brand. What this because of the effect of the name of the generic brand ? The ABC, General, National, etc.??
So my Opinion.. don't distinguish the category... but continue to in the same core for example samsung to the electronic device, LG to electronics. But I was asked about it. As honest a little hesitant because of being compatible with the principle of the "focus" in Al ries style. Do you remembered Yamaha, what’s them? Afterwards remembered samsung what’s them? The washing machine, TV? The mobile phone? Or what?
If according to the expert Brand the Aaker, if you want to did brand extension and the success, the condition only 2:
For the ABC case, that only one example of the success 1 brand for several categories of product, & could not be made the example to other brand was not so strong, brand ABC has been the tradition & was rooted on the consumer's mind.
My question is (in connection with the book of Aaker). How if the case like this: (for example) PT XYZ initially issued XYZ brand toothpaste, continued the product sold out and really was known. Even their time issued several variants of the taste / the benefit from this toothpaste, the community still really liked (the sale still good). So if the person said XYZ then their remembered this toothpaste. (Brand awareness XYZ has been very strong).
Then one day went out a new policy from the boss of PT XYZ that wanted to issue the other product (for example) perfume. And the XYZ brand will be made corporate brand (In Other Words did not have again XYZ brand toothpaste, available brand toothpaste 123, 456, etc. from PT. XYZ), the question, will the community become confused or not? (with this change, let us hope not later even it was thought XYZ toothpaste immitation ). and how if later PT XYZ will be still issuing the perfume? Made again confused or not?
Still relation with the matter above that the possibility must be discussed, why there is company wanted to used the same brand for the different product? What cheaper? Easier or what? What the difference to using one brand just at the same time. Certainly had the surplus and lack.
maybe the surplus certainly brand recognition, the person has memorised the name, and if the brand had the good reputation, with the hope this reputation can transferred to the new product and this new product was given the same name.
the lack of certainly if the quality from this new product evidently did not have the same quality as the product beforehand, then reputation that good earlier for the origin product could take part in being eroded or being completely lost.
And the dangerous, where ?
The example of the case that too much was not similar but had the characteristics were same from this brand shifting ,
In fact they did not have the experience and the reputation beforehand as the provider of this product and service and they will be faced with the player who has been rooted in this industry like the HP or GE.
The KODAK was not associated with the other service apart from photography in the USA , they were very famous with the communication used the slogan of "The KODAK Moment". But Whether the power? From now onKODAK must replace their communication that they not only the provider's company of the photography product but must be attracted to the other side that KODAK had the reputation as company that gave the best solution anything the service that their given. In this case according to KODAK, this change not the choice but must be done.
So this is not the same brand for 2 different categories but the same brand for the new category.
For the KODAK case, they also had strongly Brand & their new toy still not too far from the length toy, in the IT category.
About Yamaha, like also company Japan generally tended to use the name founder as Brand, the proven was successful also in the musical instrument even Water Purifier. The Others such as Mitsubishi also played in the Elevator, Kawasaki in the heavy implement, the aircraft, the tanker even the satellite, Honda played also in Robotic.
But for new cases, apparently rarely to heard? Even tended for the similar category product, to be made second brand...
And regarding to use of the same name in 2 difference categories this is usually caused the company did not have the budget more to promoted new brand, then used the one of brand that already exist. So if you were in my position like this, so how? Continue to remain to launching with the same brand or waiting if later had the money...
So if I in this position I will choose the one brand for one category then. its Busy in the next period if positioning was increasingly conical.
Possibly in the same category wanted to be brought to 17-25, that one wanted to be brought to 35+ will not be possible to join in. difference language , difference communication. Now possibly was not felt but we did not know the development in the future, whereas investment for constructive the road brand continued.
usually the company hard-working to register their product as trademark although the production not yet to move, in fact launching possibly sometime. This one to save time launching because if being not wrong register trademark this product will eat the long time .
About waiting for if have money or have budget, it would be better if really serious and wanted support some brand with the reasonable budget, just launching of product, if the only half of brand (its poorly) like the stepchild, lived not, support also not, maybe only the agent to happy :)
in a manner the theory, its realistic that often decisions like this happened because of truth factors or the logical requirement when that. So we had not known in fact why A like this, while B like that and all of them just very legal.
From that I heard , one of the important matters in decide to used the same brand for 2 different categories was to consider the attribute from that brand personally. Brand, as we known, had the brand association certain (that not only one, occasionally many). And must become attention for marketer to consider which attributes to keep? And which attributes to delete? For example lifebouy. Soap lifebouy had the attribute: soap anti germs, the family's soap.
when to launched shampoo, lifebouy to maintained the attribute of family, and eliminated the attribute anti germs. Could be seen from the advertisement and marketing communication shampoo lifebouy this clearly was seen that shampoo for all the family. (the advertisement, must have the mother, the child, and the father hair was good and bla - bla - bla because used shampoo lifebouy).
According me, lifebouy exactly chose the attribute that must be maintained and whatever that their disposed. could be imagined if maintained was the attribute anti germs. for example: shampoo anti lice... :) not necessarily lifebouy shampoo could be successful as now.
The other example was Gillete. As we known, the association that adhered to Gillete was: razor technology (shaving technology), and Man. and we knew possibly all the men knew the good shaver for them was Gillete. But Gillete failed total during launched Gillete for the Women. As honest in this case, I did not understand whether Gillete chose badly attribute which must they maintained or because of attribute of the man who clung to Gillete very strong? So as when they left this attribute, precisely to blunder for this brand.
Question: if you are the marketer of So Klin... what would u do given the case above: stolen the start, overtook Rinso or was waiting until Rinso launched “ cleaned 99 stains”, to afterwards at the time of simultaneously bashed with So Klin cleaned 101 stains... or others ?
If I am the marketer So Klin, it must I have been will overtake Rinso, because with to pioneer the effect would more was felt especially for the Indonesian market than only to follower although we state that So Klin cleaned 101 stains whereas Rinso only 99 stains.
Another thing that was questioned about Tide, new detergent from P&G, there are those that knew the development of this product in the market, because as we know this Tide was detergent no 1 in America, but in Indonesian P&G did not undertake the incessant marketing, in fact did not have his advertisement completely. Immediately after Tide circulated in the market, KAO at once issued Attack Color just, but also Unilever issued Rinso Excell, will Tide remain?
Why attacked it only in the image? Must also was innovation the product. For example uptil now detergent, softly and the fragrance was separated, why was not combined then? If could not all of them, yes the cleaner and the softly. So we did not need to buy So Klin as the softly. Secondly, after that just entered the new product 3 in 1, as the cleaner, softly, and fragrance. Perhaps this was suitable for Rinso. Because So Klin will also produce So Klin Detergen and So klin softly in fact only So Klin fragrance then.
Considering penetrationi powdered detergent has been high. Almost 85% domestic used detergen. was still must be looked for by the new use. The other alternative was to create the good detergent also to wash the car. Unlike now the person is still very anxious if washed the car with detergent. This will have an opportunity to seize the Kit market and so on. Which was the big market. To Guaranteed price was definitely cheaper than Kit.
as the rumours because of early of the So Klin emergence 101 because in the other country Rinso already launched Rinso 99 and the difficult success with the theme, so before Preceded launching in Indonesia, So Klin Overtook first by making 101 that meaning could clean 101 stains of all the certain stains could be lost.. if being not wrong of look, the education has begun with view list of the stain in the So Klin package 101 that joined with the TV advertisement and billboard.
Only whether Rinso will respond with for the bigger number, it seems its impossible, usually Unilever most the allergy for the theme that resembled the other person, moreover so follower... Even apparently the detergent war will move to the front that more Premium in the category of concentrate Detergent, here has remained silent Kao Attack that more previously entered this category. And So Klin too late... it seems in the front of this category the war will be longer than the number 101 war.
Tide in Indonesia just only taste the water, soft launching, but soon or later apparently they will enter the biggest because the market was indeed big.. but P&G apparently would not the concentration there because of their business that more make money was the Pantene .
Concerning the Indonesians's habit that separated the washing for the machine and the hands, indeed that because of the character of the washing machine that only could for wash the heavy things like bed cover, Jeans, etc.... if the silk model, underwear etc., that with the hands washing, moreover the Coat must with dry clean...
The matter why has used detergent, continued to be given the fragrance and softly.. he he he.. (a little promotion) the softly that to material is still being good to be used and to be easy in iron whereas fragrance.. this is affair the marketer increased the expenses cost then....
Must the innovationof product. For example uptil now detergent, softly and fragrance was separated, why was not combined then? Possibly for us sound of funny, how come was detergent, there is softly, there is fragrance... but beforehand had the research... evidently need would softly/fragrance that was available, and so many...
the name our person was unsatisfied if only washed, apparently more comfort, if after washed, was soaked with fragrance/softly previously before being put in the sun to dry. There is also after being washed with the washing machine, still in washed again with the hands, there is also that said, if detergent so many foams, the sign could wash cleaner, thats why previously had had detergent to claim washed without many foams, the end of this product in Indonesia not the used and loss...
But, the needs that was because of having the problem. Then where is the problem? In detergent or their clothes? Let us hope not in fact did not have detergent to satisfied. more unclean, not softer in fact possibly like the chrispy / chip if being put in the sun to dry hot, not more fragrant because of the fragrant aroma detergent yawned. So the image of detergent that was built through the advertisement uptil now possibly over promise. But because of not having the choice of the other product that was better using detergent. So, if there is more good why did not move to the others product or brand?
As in the case of person washed with the washing machine. Why has been rolled how come still rolled by hand anymore? Because its a habit instinct hand rolled or because indeed results of washing in machine washing were more unsatisfactory. myself possibly including that was conventional. After being washed with the washing machine that of the same class Electrolux although continue to I was still checked to eliminate the stain and stain although already with Rinso Excell.
I agreed, even my friend to commented concerning this case... according to him, if Rinso went out with the version 99... not old afterwards was followed by So Klin with the version 101, for example the echo of his communication will have 2. but the profit will be in side with had perceptional benefit higher, in this case according him SoKlin 101... what do you think?
That became my question precisely why must use the figure 101 were free from the intention to block the Rinso campaign. Has The community known if the spot Kind of the amount 102 ( for example)? That meant to eliminate 99% stains Kind. And didn’t better like that has been said eliminated all of the stains crumps.
its only as though as.... In Fact, is it dangerous to used one brand for 2 different categories, the example of extreme, if mine the marketer of Uniliver, what is the danger if we launching detergent with the Lux brand, what the consumer will be confused or even did not have the effect?
Or arrived entered Toiletries with launching the floor cleaner with mint taste of Mentos brand... Because I saw the case of the ABC, their apparently so good with used the ABC from the brand of the battery stone till the Soy Sauce, if being not wrong to have been forecasted if this ABC brand would not survive because the product extention its too distance.
If I was the consumer, its up to you, the important product was good and branding each quite strong product although more consumer's self-confidence, still more passes again if brand more was generic, the ABC its generic isn’t it, difference if viagra made peppermints or detergent.
Yamaha could enter the musical instrument and the motor, why not? This is the problem of perception. Mean the perception about the brand that has adhered in mind the community. Frankly, myself just knew now (after read mail) if the ABC stone of the brand of battery with ABC soy sauce its one group with the same company. the matter my perception uptil now the ABC battery and ABC soy sauce did not have relations to one another. Moreover I thought the ABC battery and ABC soy sauce were two different companies that by chance with the same brand. What this because of the effect of the name of the generic brand ? The ABC, General, National, etc.??
So my Opinion.. don't distinguish the category... but continue to in the same core for example samsung to the electronic device, LG to electronics. But I was asked about it. As honest a little hesitant because of being compatible with the principle of the "focus" in Al ries style. Do you remembered Yamaha, what’s them? Afterwards remembered samsung what’s them? The washing machine, TV? The mobile phone? Or what?
If according to the expert Brand the Aaker, if you want to did brand extension and the success, the condition only 2:
- this brand has been perception with the good quality.
- complimentary effect in a sense category of the product that became the target extension complemented each other with the category of the beginning product for example toothpaste pepsodent did extension to the toothbrush, or soap lifebuoy to shampoo that complemented each other for the affair bathed.
For the ABC case, that only one example of the success 1 brand for several categories of product, & could not be made the example to other brand was not so strong, brand ABC has been the tradition & was rooted on the consumer's mind.
My question is (in connection with the book of Aaker). How if the case like this: (for example) PT XYZ initially issued XYZ brand toothpaste, continued the product sold out and really was known. Even their time issued several variants of the taste / the benefit from this toothpaste, the community still really liked (the sale still good). So if the person said XYZ then their remembered this toothpaste. (Brand awareness XYZ has been very strong).
Then one day went out a new policy from the boss of PT XYZ that wanted to issue the other product (for example) perfume. And the XYZ brand will be made corporate brand (In Other Words did not have again XYZ brand toothpaste, available brand toothpaste 123, 456, etc. from PT. XYZ), the question, will the community become confused or not? (with this change, let us hope not later even it was thought XYZ toothpaste immitation ). and how if later PT XYZ will be still issuing the perfume? Made again confused or not?
Still relation with the matter above that the possibility must be discussed, why there is company wanted to used the same brand for the different product? What cheaper? Easier or what? What the difference to using one brand just at the same time. Certainly had the surplus and lack.
maybe the surplus certainly brand recognition, the person has memorised the name, and if the brand had the good reputation, with the hope this reputation can transferred to the new product and this new product was given the same name.
the lack of certainly if the quality from this new product evidently did not have the same quality as the product beforehand, then reputation that good earlier for the origin product could take part in being eroded or being completely lost.
And the dangerous, where ?
The example of the case that too much was not similar but had the characteristics were same from this brand shifting ,
in quoted from New York Times on September 8 2003, KODAK Switches to Business Focus, was discussed that because of the digital threat KODAK photography now tries shift line they product from the consumer of photography to new fields as written this:
"Kodak formed four other groups: health imaging; commercial printing, which makes equipment for use in graphic arts; commercial imaging, which sells storage devices and services; and display and components, which makes sensors and displays used in cameras and car radios. "
In fact they did not have the experience and the reputation beforehand as the provider of this product and service and they will be faced with the player who has been rooted in this industry like the HP or GE.
The KODAK was not associated with the other service apart from photography in the USA , they were very famous with the communication used the slogan of "The KODAK Moment". But Whether the power? From now onKODAK must replace their communication that they not only the provider's company of the photography product but must be attracted to the other side that KODAK had the reputation as company that gave the best solution anything the service that their given. In this case according to KODAK, this change not the choice but must be done.
So this is not the same brand for 2 different categories but the same brand for the new category.
For the KODAK case, they also had strongly Brand & their new toy still not too far from the length toy, in the IT category.
About Yamaha, like also company Japan generally tended to use the name founder as Brand, the proven was successful also in the musical instrument even Water Purifier. The Others such as Mitsubishi also played in the Elevator, Kawasaki in the heavy implement, the aircraft, the tanker even the satellite, Honda played also in Robotic.
But for new cases, apparently rarely to heard? Even tended for the similar category product, to be made second brand...
And regarding to use of the same name in 2 difference categories this is usually caused the company did not have the budget more to promoted new brand, then used the one of brand that already exist. So if you were in my position like this, so how? Continue to remain to launching with the same brand or waiting if later had the money...
So if I in this position I will choose the one brand for one category then. its Busy in the next period if positioning was increasingly conical.
Possibly in the same category wanted to be brought to 17-25, that one wanted to be brought to 35+ will not be possible to join in. difference language , difference communication. Now possibly was not felt but we did not know the development in the future, whereas investment for constructive the road brand continued.
usually the company hard-working to register their product as trademark although the production not yet to move, in fact launching possibly sometime. This one to save time launching because if being not wrong register trademark this product will eat the long time .
About waiting for if have money or have budget, it would be better if really serious and wanted support some brand with the reasonable budget, just launching of product, if the only half of brand (its poorly) like the stepchild, lived not, support also not, maybe only the agent to happy :)
in a manner the theory, its realistic that often decisions like this happened because of truth factors or the logical requirement when that. So we had not known in fact why A like this, while B like that and all of them just very legal.
From that I heard , one of the important matters in decide to used the same brand for 2 different categories was to consider the attribute from that brand personally. Brand, as we known, had the brand association certain (that not only one, occasionally many). And must become attention for marketer to consider which attributes to keep? And which attributes to delete? For example lifebouy. Soap lifebouy had the attribute: soap anti germs, the family's soap.
when to launched shampoo, lifebouy to maintained the attribute of family, and eliminated the attribute anti germs. Could be seen from the advertisement and marketing communication shampoo lifebouy this clearly was seen that shampoo for all the family. (the advertisement, must have the mother, the child, and the father hair was good and bla - bla - bla because used shampoo lifebouy).
According me, lifebouy exactly chose the attribute that must be maintained and whatever that their disposed. could be imagined if maintained was the attribute anti germs. for example: shampoo anti lice... :) not necessarily lifebouy shampoo could be successful as now.
The other example was Gillete. As we known, the association that adhered to Gillete was: razor technology (shaving technology), and Man. and we knew possibly all the men knew the good shaver for them was Gillete. But Gillete failed total during launched Gillete for the Women. As honest in this case, I did not understand whether Gillete chose badly attribute which must they maintained or because of attribute of the man who clung to Gillete very strong? So as when they left this attribute, precisely to blunder for this brand.
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