The promotion of Sale
Written by dogosh on 11/24/2008I wanted review a little concerning subject above, thought had the response not concerning the question that regarding subject above this concerning:
- how increased/maintained the temporary sale of the promotion of the sale was stopped by us?
- What in fact the measurement of the effectiveness of the promotion of the sale apart from the sale that increased (in a manner the percentage from before the promotion)? When being read by us buku advertising & promotion the Belch article 2007 very very simple ok? How the practice in the FMCG world?
- had one journal, said that sales promotion that only to short-term, that was significant could not to increase brand loyalty. but in the Belch book said could for the long period . my question how did to simple trade research (possibly the question this one not all that connected but my intention how we knew the effectiveness sales promo to long-term).
As far as I know FMCG was the abbreviation from "FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS". Any that including the "fast product moved that?" That is could peppermints, detergent, cigarettes, etc., please was increased again !!!
The promotion of sale, indeed often was carried out if the competition has been very tight. What happened in the telecommunications business apparently could be made as an example case. Rp 49, there are those that Rp 1 in fact Rp 0 !! Soy sauce then did not want to be inferior, has had the chilli sauce bonus, the measurement increased 30%, the discount as far as 50% et cetera.
It seems, if not carrying out the promotion of sale then will not have the sale. The consumer will glance at the competitor's product that was promo, and our product will only become the standard in the display window retail.
Therefore, many marketer tried to avoid warfare in this route. Moreover when the company was classed as the small company. How could it be that we opposed Unilever, Indofood and Wings Group. The three companies, brave sold until the profit = zero in fact possibly to the loss point. With the condition, your company closed down just afterwards they arranged market.
As marketer, we were required creative. Not only "Me Too". If previously the motor must be frugal, now the motor must be fast, if previously the mobile phone must be small, now handphone must be big, should be not provoked to take part in the regulation of the leaders of the market that indeed had extraordinary capital. They were not frightened the loss, now we not yet whether what has been unfortunate, the profit just a few not necessarily could survive.
Sales Promo, at least was carried out from time to time only to spoil our customer. Not as the only effort to get the customer. Therefore, the success sales promo not only was seen from how many percent of the growth of the market, but how many continue to did repeat order and most important how many percent of the increasingly loyal customer ?
Sales promo, usually was carried out if we wanted to attract the competitor's customer. That too with the condition, your product was far more better from the competitor's product. So, after trying them will continue to use our product. If evidently our product was just the same or even had the quality below the product competitor, usually more it was suggested searches value added that was other (for example the form of the package, the practicability, the availability, the price, the measurement, etc.) and was not in the form sales promo.
Sales Promo, of course was not directly in contact with Loyalty, moreover if often to carried out will unload the image of the brand. Because, the customer will see that in fact Value our product not be as high as that. Loyalty was more caused by Satisfaction that was developed from product quality, best price, avaiability, and other elements.
The promotion of sale, indeed often was carried out if the competition has been very tight. What happened in the telecommunications business apparently could be made as an example case. Rp 49, there are those that Rp 1 in fact Rp 0 !! Soy sauce then did not want to be inferior, has had the chilli sauce bonus, the measurement increased 30%, the discount as far as 50% et cetera.
It seems, if not carrying out the promotion of sale then will not have the sale. The consumer will glance at the competitor's product that was promo, and our product will only become the standard in the display window retail.
Therefore, many marketer tried to avoid warfare in this route. Moreover when the company was classed as the small company. How could it be that we opposed Unilever, Indofood and Wings Group. The three companies, brave sold until the profit = zero in fact possibly to the loss point. With the condition, your company closed down just afterwards they arranged market.
As marketer, we were required creative. Not only "Me Too". If previously the motor must be frugal, now the motor must be fast, if previously the mobile phone must be small, now handphone must be big, should be not provoked to take part in the regulation of the leaders of the market that indeed had extraordinary capital. They were not frightened the loss, now we not yet whether what has been unfortunate, the profit just a few not necessarily could survive.
Sales Promo, at least was carried out from time to time only to spoil our customer. Not as the only effort to get the customer. Therefore, the success sales promo not only was seen from how many percent of the growth of the market, but how many continue to did repeat order and most important how many percent of the increasingly loyal customer ?
Sales promo, usually was carried out if we wanted to attract the competitor's customer. That too with the condition, your product was far more better from the competitor's product. So, after trying them will continue to use our product. If evidently our product was just the same or even had the quality below the product competitor, usually more it was suggested searches value added that was other (for example the form of the package, the practicability, the availability, the price, the measurement, etc.) and was not in the form sales promo.
Sales Promo, of course was not directly in contact with Loyalty, moreover if often to carried out will unload the image of the brand. Because, the customer will see that in fact Value our product not be as high as that. Loyalty was more caused by Satisfaction that was developed from product quality, best price, avaiability, and other elements.
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