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The application of customer satisfaction that was not maximal

Written by dogosh on 6/19/2008

In this article the writer tried to promote the case of the not maximal bank applied customer satisfaction. Firstly, the example of the BXA Bank, although in each one of their branch offices had many teller (until 8), but that I often was met , counter teller that opened then only 2 or 3 . always often happened the long queue that made annoyed the customer. Secondly, the BXI bank, so many of branches often encountered when the hour rested teller they also rested. the customer who wanted to carry out the transaction must be waiting up until the rest hour to end. The question is, where the bank's responsibility that often incessant campaigned customer satisfaction.
According to me the institution that as the public's service (such as the bank, electricity, telp, etc) ought to arrange their rest hour differed from the normal office. Because at the rest hour most customers/the client carried out the activity apart from the office affair . although many that did business with the institutions due to task of the office, but when being paid attention to by most precisely for the interests apart from the office.
Certainly will be very troublesome all when the rest hour was made all same . imagined the official who "stole" rest time for the affair (to the bank for example) at the same time the official of the bank was resting, this meant the service time was longer than the fact. We seen workshops on the Saturday and the week continued to be opened because on that day precisely most people to the workshop, because of not working. Please imagined if the workshop took part in the holiday each on Saturday and the week.
Indeed if we spoke about Customer Service Excellent then that covered mindset the practically and also the current system all of them must refer to the customer's satisfaction. But if speaking about the customer, there were 2 kinds that was the internal customer but also the customer external, the all must receive attention and the handling that were good from the company, but unfortunately occasionally the company personally did not inspire the meaning from customer care or the interest to the customer. At first again if they felt his business was very established so as to be certain of the service that an existence also customer will continue to come because they indeed to needed this service.
But they forgot that the competition in the business field will never stop and the demand of the consumer increasingly on the day increased then someday in the future will make the businessman was arrogant will get the backlash.
Indeed at this time BXA might be considered to be superior because they had the ATM most and entered the corner, their service kind then quite innovative and apparently their fronts line has been organised well is seen now teller far more friendlier because the company provided the need utility for the consumer to consider that was placed in front of the table teller that was relevant.
The Security Unit's side even efficient opened the door for the guest who came, appeared the humankind already many that changed but customer service not only the smiling and friendly but most important must be professional and used customer focus mindset and empathy.
So if they could not analyse when the hour hour peak the customer's queue and made the rule to shift the hour ate a person teller indeed that happened the consumer that was sacrificed, unfortunately because of not having our choice only could submit because of wanting to move the bank also did not find it easy.
Most quite worse service in the hospital, I saw many of employees who have been used to see the person was sick and died the outcome was already immune faced the person who was sick, they continued to remain undertook the hospital rule that required the person to place Down Payment first could be served, at all their heart not touched to saw the panic and the sadness of the patient and his family. Indeed not all like that but how many the hospital that wanted really true undertook their human obligation on the calculation rupiah that must they received ?
There were also input and the explanation as being supervised this concerning the matter customer satisfaction, please was scrutinised,
The BXA bank realized the truth, with the number around 6.6jt the customer, really had difficulty giving the maximal service. Therefore, BXA hoped the customer who carried out the cash withdrawal nominally certain. Be enough through the ATM then. If only a Ceck the balance or the Transfer, through the SMS banking or the internet banking . That became the problem, our community most were still being blind technology (although much money ! ). Not believed was the same machine. And liked to be served (if this, although has money a little... hehehe... ). Increased again the reader's letters that complained about the card were swallowed, money terdebet, money did not go out, etc.. Be most gathered customers in front of Counter.
with the available room capacity between 4-8. And usually all is used, in that moment certains. For example to gaze at the end year, visited Lebaran, Christmas or long holiday days. On Monday and on Friday was used as big as 50-70% from the capacity, now Tuesday-Thursday just adequate. This strategy for the sake of saving (read: efficiency) resources. To not annoyed because of queuing, being transaction in the BXA Bank on the day Tuesday-Thursday, after struck 13.00WIB, or used E-channel (the ATM, SMS, INTERNET or Phone Banking).
BXI : If this one bank was quite exciting. The number of his customers was biggest in this Country, exceeded 11 million customers. Wow Good-looking..!! their branch penetrated as far as the Regency, in fact some of the province as far as the level of the District. don't attempt transaction in the date 4-9 of each beginning of the month. You could receive the number of the queue 12,546. In these dates along with the taking of the PNS Pay, retirement, widows, I ever queue, from 10 o'clock to 14 o'clock in the BXI bank the branch of Kartini-Lampung. Luckily I was carrying out the audit (the service research), so was not too bored.
But, don't think the customer the BXI Bank decreased because of the problem of the queue. They are so happy . Because not that their reason for choosing BXI as the place kept money. Along with their reason for not moving from BXI: SAFE because of property of the government, There Is everywhere (the intention to in the Village! ), has known with the Cashier, and that was most exciting...... Embarrassed to enter the other bank (the intention, the other bank too good-looking, as villagers... they must not served, the Air Conditioning might not very cold, his seat was too comfortable, no need to open the door, they only wanted to save 50rb or 100rb).
Satisfactorily the customer was indeed obligatory. But was not possible to satisfy all of them. Then the choice was what Customer who most must be satisfied before? Each customer had the value (Customer Value). The choice was the customer with Value highest. Therefore, they gave the PREMIUM service for the customer PREMIUM (had in general the minimal Balance 1 Billion per the month). And the NORMAL service for the NORMAL customer.
And in our Business was known the term "Customer dismissed ". Than the Customer became the burden (cost and source), indeed an of the customer's time must be to the certain segment released. It is not surprising, if one day opened the account in BXA the deposit initially to 2,5jt. Last, the campaign customer satisfaction... definitely was aimed at the customer with VALUE highest. As businessman and NOT as consumer, we compulsory education to choose the segment that was exact to be made the Marketing Target.
SCIENTIFICALLY: Satisfaction was in English acknowledged as Satisfaction. Satisfaction was words from the language latin, that is satis was meant enough and facere that meants to do or did. So, the product or the service that could satisfy was the product and the service that could give something that was needed by the customer till meinimum level was enough.
The achievement of the customer's satisfaction was influenced by various factors from the customer's side and from the company's side, as well as the existence of the other factor. " the customer who was satisfied to be the customer that felt got value from the supplier or the service provider, that is take the form of benefit from the product, the service system or something that tied the customer in a manner emotions". (Handi Irawan MBA MCom, 10 principles of the Customer's Satisfaction 2002: p 2-4). Further was said that the customer's satisfaction was results of the accumulation of the experience of the consumer or the customer in using the product or the service.
Therefore, each transaction or the experience just gave the influence on the customer's satisfaction. Efforts to satisfy the customer were the long experience that did not know the limit and various efforts were carried out to be able to fill hope of the customer in getting the satisfaction. Many factors that must be paid attention to in an effort to fill hope of the customer in achieving the satisfaction, including the quality of the product, the price of the product, the service kind, the psychological aspect of the customer, the company image, the competition, moment of truth, etc..
"Satisfaction was the level" of the "feeling someone after comparing the achievement or results that they felt compared with hope". So the level of satisfaction was the function from the difference between the achievement that was felt in the hope that. The customer could experience one of the three levels of general satisfaction. If the achievement under hope, the disappointed customer. If the achievement in accordance with hope, the satisfied customer. If the achievement exceeded hope, the customer was very satisfied, and happy . (Philip Kotler, Manajemen of the Company 1998 - Prentice Hall Edition Indonesia: p 46-50)
Remain at the level of satisfaction that how that look for by prospective or existing customer. Here we must get real. If in the food field & the drink its easy, the illustration like this: Regard the Polan want to made surprise for the future prospective spouse (the girl because still & was fighting to get her) came to some café in one of the grandest malls. He saw the list of the menu that was most notable near in the door . saw there saw here, he apparently searched resto luxurious with famous food delicious and definitely that was appropriate the pocket of the alias that has been checked discount up to 50% appropriate credit card that he had. Briefly, he & his girlfriend entered to the resto . By being confident he asked to waiters, what kind of special food & the drink their mainstay. Pretended to be ignorant the breakdown content from the menu that was promoted. Basically, he indeed only saw his price then.
After food came he saw the girlfriend, and while a liitle laughing he asked: Come On.. just relax …why was not yet touched.. this was delicious But whether his girlfriend's answer: NO…This steak is not fresh… really ? ... but it seems was delicious. Even he has protested to Resto Manager, his appetite has been lost to older there. Finally this night was annoying for Polan and he annoyed because his surprised totally ran out.
So the story was overturned that in fact like this: the Polan hoped with the money was sacrificed will get something that he hope . What you give Is what what you get.. but the fact is that night became messy caused only a slice sirloin import. There is typical person who has been used to it received without wanting to try gave. The Resto Mgr felt because he who most knew the matter of food (in the heart he mumbled,: the Polan knew whether the food matter ,…I already 10 years more led resto this was not yet that complaint). That’s a really big mistake…in fact did not know that the girlfriend the Polan evidently the graduate of one of the universities in Swisse that was quite famous with the Mayor hospitality. But, that’s the note that point I wanna tell you…
Customer satisfaction was formed from the perception someone who departed from the direct experience when he experienced an incident that gave him deep impression. The application of the price / the menu that was fair appropriate food quality, service and many more and did not look for the profit, precisely will satisfy & constructive relationship that was long with customer. In short like this: If you can touch your customer, that’s the time your customer would be loyal and touch you back… now even was company that dared to make the innovation with tagline: The extra that we care….its so critically, I thought here the role of Public relation, MarKom Manager or what the term to bridging this one, communicated the missing the ring between ekspectation the buyer and the seller's wish. It is hoped gave the new perspective…

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